What is Swish365’s refund policy?


Swish365 does not offer refunds. The facilities are top-notch and require continual care and maintenance to bring our members the best experience possible. Swish365 allows you to cancel your membership at anytime and can be done by the member through the app (step by step below). Refunds are not issued and Swish365 does not offer refunds for any event.

When can I cancel my membership?


When you sign up for Swish 365, it is a subscription service similar to a gym. You can cancel at anytime and upon renewal – the membership will not renew and you will not be charged. Note that there are several packages which offer discounts, example if you have a 3 month subscription and cancel it – the subscription is still active during the 3 month window but will not renew or charge you again.

How do I cancel my membership?


You can cancel your membership at anytime through the Swish 365 app located in the AppStore or Google Play store.

1. Select settings on top right hand side of the app.
2. Select “My Account”
3. On the “Account Holder” – select “Edit”
4. Select the players membership you want to cancel.
5.Hit the “Trash” icon next to your current membership.
6. Click confirm.

Does the Hall of Fame Access Include 24/7/365 access to facility?


Yes it does! When you sign up for the hall of fame access, you will get access to a third party app called “Vizpin” which will allow you to open the doors to the facility at anytime without worry of needing to book during non-business hours. Note that all facilities are monitored via camera systems and only one membership includes one person. If you have more than one person, each person will need a hall of fame membership.

What if I cancel after I’ve been charged for my occurring subscription?


We allow our members to cancel their memberships at anytime and through the app. If a member forgets to cancel their subscription and contacts us – a refund will not be issued. It is the responsibility for the members to cancel their membership prior to their renewal date.

What is the technology fee when I sign up?


Swish365 charges a one time fee for account setup and continual development of the technology that supports the user experience at Swish365. This is a one time charge and is not applied at each month. If you cancel your membership and decide to return in the future, you will be charged again for the technology fee setup.


Sign up for a membership today through our Swish365 app available on the App Store or Google Play Store. Download the app and begin your journey to becoming the best basketball player you can be!